
Showing posts from November, 2019

I Choose Love

Yesterday was my pastor J’s* last day working at my church. Last month, she announced that she was going to step down from her position because of some issues that had been going on in the church. Lots of people disagreed with her leadership, and the church was starting to suffer for it. J had been thinking about it for a while, and she knew deep down in her heart that her decision was in the church’s best interest. But still, I know it must have been an incredibly painful decision, and I am in awe of her selflessness and strength.  On Sunday, J gave her last sermon at my church. During the children’s message, she showed everyone a very special item from her “mystery bag.” The mystery item turned out to be a teddy bear that I’d made for J when she was having surgery a few weeks ago. She talked about how special that bear is to her because it reminds her that she is loved. I was in awe. J was facing hostility from all sides, yet she’d never forgotten that simple act of love. T...

What It Really Means to Be "Pro-Life"

I have a confession to make: I am pro-life. But I’m not anti-choice.  Okay, I know some of you are confused right now, but please hear me out. I believe that all people are created in the image of God. I believe that all lives are valuable. I believe that human dignity is worth fighting for. And if you’re a Christian, I’m assuming you believe those things too.  But the thing is, a lot of pro-life efforts center around controlling others’ bodies and restricting their healthcare options—which is the exact opposite of fighting for them.  So let me make something clear:  If your idea of “activism” is standing outside health clinics, screaming obscenities at girls and women you know nothing about, you are not pro-life.  If you want to force someone with a terminal disease to spend the last few months of their life in agony, rather than allowing them to die with dignity, you are not pro-life.  If you make derogatory “jokes” about someone's...

Operation Christmas Child 2019

I’m a college sophomore, and I’ve been packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child since I was a high school freshman. My high school Spanish Club packed shoeboxes every year, and I was always happy to help. In fact, I was so passionate about packing shoeboxes that my teacher made me Vice-President of the Spanish Club in 11th grade. That meant I was completely in charge of organizing our shoebox packing party...which was pretty chaotic, to say the least. But I’m grateful for the experience because I learned a lot about Operation Christmas Child.  First of all, I learned what NOT to put in a shoebox. Liquids (including toothpaste) are not allowed in shoeboxes. Candy, chocolate, and other food items are also off-limits. And—obviously—you shouldn’t put anything violent or war-related in the shoeboxes, because many children who receive them live in war-torn countries where the threat of violence is very real.  Also, I learned what to pack for the different age/gen...

Are Christians Required to Tithe?

I often hear other Christians talk about tithing as though it’s something the Bible mandates. But is that really true? What does the Bible actually say about tithing? First of all, I’d like to point out that not one verse in the New Testament commands Christians to tithe. Not one. Tithing is based on Old Testament laws that required Israelites to bring 10 percent of their crops and livestock to the temple. According to, the Old Testament tithe was “a method of taxation to provide for the needs of the priests and Levites in the sacrificial system.”  Here’s what the New Testament does say about giving:  “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Giving is a highly personal issue with no easy answer. Yes, we are all called to give generously, but that looks different for everyone based on life circumstances. For a single parent, or ...

I Am a Survivor

I am brave I wonder if I’ll be okay I hear the roaring thunder I see rain pouring down I want to get better I am a fighter I pretend to be normal I feel lonely inside I touch the raindrops falling from the sky I cry to Jesus I am not alone I know that God is with me I see the rainbow after the storm I dream of a brighter future I try to be positive I hope for a cure I am a survivor