How Transgenderism Undermines Feminism

**Note: This is NOT a criticism of transgender people. I do not hate you, “disagree with your lifestyle,” or any such nonsense. Although I disagree with the idea of transgenderism (and the harm it has caused), I do not blame transgender people for this in any way. In fact, I believe that many transgender people are victims of a society that punishes them for not conforming to gender roles. In other words, if you are transgender, this is NOT a criticism of you. This is a criticism of those who have harmed you—those who have told you that your personality and interests are “wrong” for a man or a woman to have.

First of all, transgender ideology is not logically sound. If you can’t be the wrong race, then how can you be the wrong sex? Both race and sex are observable, biological traits. But in fact, identifying as another race makes more sense than identifying as the opposite sex. Race is often less objective than sex. With the exception of a few rare cases, people tend to be obviously male or obviously female. Race can be more ambiguous. Almost everyone is a little bit multiracial, making it hard to draw the line between black, white, Asian, etc. However, almost no one claims to have been “born in the wrong body” because his/her interests don’t go along with racial stereotypes. As a white woman, I would (rightfully) be criticized if I claimed that I’m really black on the inside because I like watermelon and fried chicken. People would (correctly) accuse me of perpetuating shallow stereotypes and ignoring biological reality. So why isn’t it the same with sex? Why is it okay to reduce manhood and womanhood to gender roles and stereotypes? 

Second of all, transgender ideology has done real, psychological harm to people—especially to those who don’t conform to gender roles. The goal of feminism has always been to do away with gender roles and harmful stereotypes. Feminists claim that your sex shouldn’t dictate your personality (or vice versa). They acknowledge the biological reality of male and female bodies while supporting everyone’s right to make his/her own choices. However, transgender ideology (like conservative ideology) claims that certain thoughts, feelings, and interests are inherently “masculine” or “feminine.” Also, like conservative ideology, transgender ideology asserts that your body and your personality can be at odds with one another. Conservatives believe that your personality should reflect your body—so they shame and coerce people into behaving in ways that “match” their sex. Proponents of transgenderism do it the other way around. They believe that your body should reflect your personality—so they shame and coerce people into mutilating their bodies to “match” their personalities. However, although their methods are very different, the consequences are very similar. Both conservatism and transgenderism reinforce sexism by suggesting that women should be quiet, nurturing, and passive while men should be active, forceful, and dominant. This ideology places men in the role of “master” and women in the role of “servant.” 

And third of all, words like “female” and “woman” have been rendered meaningless—and as a result, conversations about women’s rights have been rendered meaningless, too. Ignoring biological sex means ignoring the reality of sex-based oppression. How can you fight for women’s rights if you can’t even define what a woman is? Defining “woman” objectively (a person with XX chromosomes, ovaries, a uterus, and a vagina) is useful. However, defining “woman” subjectively (a woman is anyone who feels like a woman) is useless. If womanhood has no true, objective meaning, then how do you know you are a woman? How do you know what it “feels” like to be a woman if you can’t tell me what a woman is? Not only does transgender ideology use illogical, circular reasoning, but it also has real consequences for women’s health and safety. For centuries, women’s biology was ignored in medicine. As a result, women have suffered and even died from medications, procedures, and devices that weren’t designed with them in mind. This type of tragedy will almost certainly resurface if we continue to ignore the reality of biological sex. Additionally, women have fought for separate spaces (including bathrooms, locker rooms, and shelters) to protect us from predatory men. Of course, not all males are predators, but the reality is that over 90 percent of rapes and sexual assaults are perpetrated by males, and the victims are usually females. Now that biological males can invade female spaces by claiming that they “feel like a woman,” biological females are no longer guaranteed safety or privacy. 

Modern “liberals” claim that transgender ideology is not only compatible with—but an essential part of—feminism. But sadly, they are wrong, and their ideas have had devastating consequences for women (and for society as a whole). It’s time to stop the madness. It’s time to take back feminism. 
