Let Us Bloom

Last night I was browsing The Mighty (an Internet community for people with illnesses and disabilities) when I came across the following post:

As a person with ADHD, that post felt like a slap in the face. But let me tell you, I'm not here to judge Dara Lee (or others who feel the way she does). We've all been there. We've all said something that was well-intended but hurtful. It doesn't mean that we're bad people. However, even though we mean well, our words can still have a negative impact on those around us. So before we share our opinions with the world, it's important to ask ourselves, "Is this what Jesus would say?" Do you think that Jesus would say such hurtful things about people with ADHD, autism, and other learning differences? I sure don't. He created us, so obviously He loves us and has a purpose for us, just like He does for everybody else.

No child is a "mistake." All people—including those with disabilities—are beautifully and wonderfully made. In John 9:2, Jesus' disciples asked Him why a certain man was born blind. Was it because of his sins or those of his parents? Jesus replied that the man's blindness was not a punishment for sin; rather, "this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him" (John 9:3).

I pray that Dara Lee and others like her will learn to see their children's potential. People with learning differences are not damaged. We are not "bad seeds." And with love, nurturing, and acceptance, we will bloom. 
